Ländlicher Reit- und Fahrverein Unterferlach
Dressage means to make the most of the horse's quality and natural talent by using refined gymnastic exercises. The goal of dressage training is to develop a horse's natural ability as an athlete to reach maximum performance with minimal effort.
It is the foundation of all equestrian sports.
Dressage promotes and refines the natural movement of the horse and optimises the way the horse carries the weight of the rider. By increasing the strength, flexibility and suppleness, it is essential to maintain the hors's health.
The horse should be as supple as possible to respond to smallest aids given by the rider. In dressage tests, there are marks for suppleness and elasticity of the horse - which can best be seen in transitions. We emphasize correct basic training as higher level movements are impossible without correct basis.
To encourage a horse to work willingly, a diversified training routine is a must.
We include free jumping, show jumping, groundwork, pole and cavaletti work as well as double lunging and hacking in our training plans.
Successful training of a horse is based on the one hand on a trainer which helps the rider from the ground and on the other hand also on a team of vets, farriers and saddle fitters which ensure that the horse can holistically be a happy athlete. The goal is to give the horse a profound basic training under perfect circumstances which is the basis for you to start your dressage journey. We would be happy to accompany you on your way through the levels.